Sunday, December 2, 2012

Angels Are Among Us

I noticed a man sitting on the side of the road today, holding a sign that said "I'm hungry". Something was telling me to go back ... It was cold & windy and he only had a light weight jacket and hat on sitting on the ground. I said I'm gonna turn around and give him a $5 and hopefully he'd go get himself a burger or something. Then Maddie spoke up and said he can have my candy bar and quarters.
It just melted my heart to hear her say that....When I rolled the window down he quickly came, shaking from the cold. When I gave them to him, he said "God Bless You and all yours". He had the most heartwarming eyes and I have been thinking about him all day. I pulled away with tears rolling down my face. It makes me wonder and think about this verse.

Hebrews 13:2
"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

I believe with all of my heart that he was an Angel and the Lord was with us that day, like he is everyday.
God is amazing! 
 He gives us little reminders that puts life in perspective. It touches my heart to know my children were with me and also got to experience this. This was the first time I've ever stopped on the side of the road for a homeless person. Maybe I should do it more, but normally I'm scared to. I've always been so nervous about it because you just never know about people.
But, this time, God spoke to me and told me to turn around.


  1. That is such a heartwarming story!

    We have a homeless man around our neighborhood my mom feeds and even though a couple people swear he is faking it, she always buys him food just in case. You never know, and I love that verse!

  2. That's so sweet of your Mom! And, I love this verse too :D

