Thursday, May 30, 2013

Our 2nd Amendment Right!

My husband has been dying to get a .338 rifle for the longest time! We decided to head to Sidney, MT (which is only about 20 miles from us) to a local gun store. Low and behold we walk in and they had a Mossberg 4X4 .338. He was so excited and it was a beautiful gun. So, we bought it! We left there and took it straight to the grasslands, where we met a local landowner who said anytime we could help him out with killing some prairie dogs to do so! Prairie dogs are small rodents that make huge wholes in the land. These can be dangerous for cattle because they step off in the holes and break their legs and eventually die. I see lots of prairie dog hunting in our future, along with coyotes, deer, elk and many other animals.

The beautiful grasslands!

Sweet Maddie!

Target shooting

"Mama ain't scared!" is what a recent FB post said by my husband :)
I shot it 3 times! And, I have a big bruise to prove it. That gun kicks me like a mule! But, I love shooting and will do it again and again!
Jackson picked out these targets and we mutilated a few of them!

My husband dug up a couple of the bullets....look at the size of this hot lead! The bullet is probably about 6 inches long.
We had a great time and can't wait to do it again! My husand says we're doing some coyote hunting this weekend!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day!

Happy Memorial Day! And, a BIG thank you to all that have served and the ones that are serving!

Today we celebrated by doing what we love! Living the outdoors life!

We went fishing at Saunders Dam, which was so beautiful! And, then we took a red dirt road and took a drive through a part of the grasslands we've never been before. Talk about breathtaking! Gorgeous green grass & wildflowers were everywhere! Here's a few photo's of our day :)




Our catches of the day!! Haha :)









We saw Pronghorn everywhere!



Wide Open Spaces & an Old Dirt Road

Company Picnic!

This Sunday was my husband's Company Picnic for work. I got to meet a lot of people I've heard about and also some sweet ladies(wives). They cooked ribs, hotdogs for all the employees. All of us ladies helped contribute all the side dishes! It was very nice to get to know everyone better. Most everyone is far from home, so coming together for a meal was great! Clay's boss came and found me to introduce himself. He had such sweet things to say about my husband! One thing he said was, "it's so refreshing to meet someone in life & work that's a genuine, nice person who also knows every aspect of their job." He also said, "we're truly blessed to have him with us". What awesome things to say! I'm so happy he's found such a wonderful job where he can show all of his knowledge in this business. And, more importantly being able to work for a company that appreciates his knowledge and has no problem giving him the benefits. We're so blessed!!