Saturday, March 17, 2012

Farm Fresh Eggs!

We're backyard farmers!

We've recently added 6 new members to the Padgett family> Queen Elizabeth, Butterball, Twinkletoes, Goldie, Ethel & Drumstick.

My husband is still in the process of building the chicken coop. I will of course do the decorating! That's one of the most exciting parts, other than being able to walk outside and getting our very own fresh eggs. This was a logical decision with the costs of groceries now days! We're a family of four and eggs are a necessity....breakfasts, cakes, casseroles, etc. My husband and I have found ourselves becoming more self sufficient. And, I'm proud of that.

My kids have been checking on the chickens all day. They're only a few days old and my daughter is already asking when we will have eggs >>Quote "Yay, a way for me to make more money". We asked her what do you mean? She said, "Getting the eggs can be a new chore for me" I couldn't help but laugh.  I'm so happy she's excited about this.

 Hoping this will be a great experience! Happy Farming!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

CraZy Mornings!

5:30am----Up and at it!

I try to get up before my kids every morning to have a little 'me time'. Ya know....shower, coffee, news & weather. But, it doesn't always work out. My son ended up climbing into bed with us very early this morning. So, alarm clock goes off and my husband quickly rolls over to turn it off (frantically hoping it didn't wake our son!). I gently ease myself out of the bed (hoping for the same!). I jump in the shower and immediately afterward I hear our bathroom door slam open and hear that sweet, loud voice say "Mommma". My son is up! So, I'm in a sprint to finish. I then somehow manage to get him to lay back down on the couch. Soon after our new puppy is barking and running around with her new toy. Now, both kids are up! ........Here we go---Let's begin our day!

(Kids are eating breakfast. Hint>I had 5 minutes to blog)

Every once in awhile our mornings are non-chaotic. But, usually this is how they play out. I'm usually already exhausted by 9am, but here we go!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Is it Spring Break already!?!

Today was the first day of spring break. Really!?! Where has the time gone?

Madison is in 1st grade! She's having such a great year. All A's on her last report card and I couldn't be more proud of her. She's been working so hard and deserves this break! We started off the day with a great breakfast for champions and ended the day with a little Walmart shopping. Somewhere inbetween we managed to watch cartoons, read books, do laundry, have nap time, soak up some sun, play on the swingset and have a nice healthy dinner! I enjoyed having my mini me with me all day today! She's a BIG help in chasing around her baby brother, Jackson! Everyday for him is a day for curiosity! If he's not running around the house, playing in dirt, climbing tables, swinging from curtains, dragging clothes out of drawers or painting the dining room with food he's napping! Needless to say he's a handful. But like I've been told....boys will be boys. I now completely understand this statement! :) It's amazing how completely different they really are. But, I LOVE them SOOO much and wouldn't change a thing about them. We have a lot more activities planned for this week and hopefully the weather stays beautiful!