Friday, October 12, 2012

Walmart & Terrible Two's!

I have a love-hate relationship with Walmart!
My son is a sweet, loving, precious baby boy. But, then there's the stubborn, temper-tantrum throwing little boy that pretty much makes me crazy somedays. Somedays, I don't know whether I'm coming or going. And, on many occasions I find myself taking a deep breath and exhaling slowww....(1, 2, 3...). It does work wonders! I'm the mom in Walmart repeatedly saying "No", "No. Or on many occasions chasing him down an aisle or continuously taking items out of the buggy and putting them back on the shelf. I'm also putting him back into the buggy over and over again because he keeps climbing out. And, when he's not climbing out he's opening everything we're about to buy. Oh how I love Walmart, but I seriously hate going! 
 I know that eventually this will pass...
I just hope then we aren't led into the treacherous three's!!!


  1. I to have taken this boy to the grocery store. The only problem is I didn't pay that much attention to what he was buying. When Kim and I get to the cashier, we are unloading things that I knew we either didn't use or need but, like always I am not going to argue with my wife. I just think she bought it and I pay for it. Little did I know until we get home, Jackson was the culprit. I will have to say, he is an angle in my eyes and I really don't think he is guilty of anything they accuse him of. You see, he is my sweet grand baby boy.

  2. That's funny Pupa! ;-) I hate to be the one to break this to you....but...They've got you wrapped around their little fingers for sure!
