Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jackson is 27 months old today!

A couple months ago we celebrated Jackson's 2nd birthday!
 But, So much has changed over the past 3 months!
Jackson is now:
Speaking in sentences ( His first complete sentence was "I want to go with you Daddy") It was a sweet, precious moment!
Can fill in the blanks with counting...If I say 1,2... he'll say 3, 4! If I say 8, 9...he'll say 10!
He knows most colors including red, blue, green, purple, orange....Green and Orange seem to be his favorites!
He hates nap time
Loves his Sissy with all his heart!
Barbie (our chocolate lab) is his partner in crime
Everything is "MINE"
Thinks everything is better dipped in ranch dressing
He loves to dance
Thinks Carrie Underwood is "Preeetttttyyy"
Says "Wow" about almost everything fascinating to him
Loves airplanes and can point them out everywhere in the sky
Loves trains too and laughs when they "Choo-Choo"
Loves to go hunting & fishing
Can point out a deer, just like his Daddy :-)
Loves to call me "Maaa" :-)
Loves to say "watch" and then do something silly
Loves to eat pretty much 24-7 and makes sure to help himself to anything his little heart desires!!
Still loves his Bink
Likes to play with his cars, trains & tractors
Loves to get dirty
Loves to get a bath and use Daddy's soap too, so it evens itself out!
Likes to put on Daddy's deodorant & cologne
Loves to paint or use markers and tends to enjoy it more on the walls or floor, than the paper ;-)
Loves to build things and put things together
He's such a big boy and wearing 4t clothes!
He wears a size 10 shoe
Potty training is still in effect. He will go on the potty, but is still in diapers alot. He does like to put on his undies and be a big boy sometimes.
Loves animals (favorites are deer, horse and dog)
Thinks everything his sister has is "cool"
He's definitely a climber and we catch him climbing on the highest points of the house...top of fridge, top of cabinets, dressers...I think he loves to see his Momma have a panic attack :-)
Is a cowboy for sure with his cowboy hat, wranglers, and boots :-)
We are so thankful God blessed us with our precious baby boy that keeps us on our toes!!

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